Create Your Story
Brand stories need to be authentic; you cannot merely make them up.
Brand Stories Need To Be Authentic
Brand stories need to be authentic; you cannot merely make them up. There is plenty of scope however for you to create great stories that your business can tell by getting involved or indeed designing real live events that evidence your key strategic messages. It could be that you’d like to evidence an important claim about a product or service and you’d like to capture the imagination of your audience with a story. Perhaps you want to relate the message that you have very skilled people and advanced technologies in your business. We can help you develop your message and show you how to build a brand story which will create great customer engagement.
A Brand Story Example
Here’s an example from Intel (read full story and watch video here) who supported a recent expedition from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back. A round trip of 1800 miles where two lone explorers followed in the footsteps of Captain Scott’s ill-fated attempt, but this time they succeeded.
Intel had launched the 4th generation Intel Core ® Processor and it was to be used in the team’s Ultrabook so that they could stay in contact with the outside world. One of the significant reasons for Intel to support this extreme expedition was to evidence the fact that this processor works at sub-zero temperatures.
It also gives Intel an interesting, exciting and memorable story to tell their audience rather than offering mere claims in an advertising campaign.
Crafting a Brand Story
In the first instance we need to understand what is your Key Message? If this story had to answer one question what would it be? We then need to know what audience we are talking to and finally at this point we need to know what type of story to develop i.e. extreme adventure, good cause, a stunt, something funny etc.
We have a Hoot Story Question Matrix™ which will help identify these factors with you and together we can create a storyboard and show you how to build a brand story.
Events, Stunts And Creative Story Ideas
We’re not suggesting that you beam the image of your CEO onto the Houses of Parliament or that you produce a video where you swear about how good your products are (although Dollar Shave Club have done it brilliantly). However, developing creative ideas that offer your audience another way to experience your brand or business is a great way to get you talked about… and that in itself is a story.
Start Your Story Today
If you’d like to find out more about developing your own brand stories or would like help to structure an effective marketing communications strategy please get in touch:
Call us on: 01243319008
Email us at: [email protected]
Visit us at: Emsworth Yacht Harbour, Thorney Road,
Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 8BP